Scanning Probe Microscopes
About Nanomagnetics - Founded in 1998, NanoMagnetics Instruments (NMI) has gradually evolved into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs) and measurement systems for a variety of scientific and technological fields. Within this scope NMI introduces, markets and sells its products worldwide with the support of many distribution partners situated at key locations almost at every continent around the globe. With a team of more than 60 personnel; each of whom are highly accomplished experts in their own right; all of our system designing, development, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing are done in-house. Whether it’s a simple standard off-the shelf unit or a customized solution, at NMI, we strive to satisfy our customer’s requirements.
Ambient Scanning Probe Microscopes

ezAFM is our compact atomic force microscopy system. We offer two different scan head options which are 40x40x4 µm or 120x120x40 µm.
ezAFM – Compact AFM
ezAFM is our compact atomic force microscopy system. We offer two different scan head options which are 40x40x4 µm or 120x120x40 µm.
This compact atomic force microscope can be integrated with inverted light microscopes or can be used in gloveboxes. The footprint of the controller is only 15×15 cm.
The samples can be moved manually or we can supply the optional motorized or manual sample stages. XY manual sample positioner has a 2×2 mm range with 10µm resolution and the XY motorized sample positioner has a 38×38 mm range with 1µm resolution.
Scanning modes
Contact Mode
Dynamic Mode (Tapping Mode)
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
f-d Spectroscopy
For electrical modes please check the ezAFM+ below

ezAFM+ Compact AFM with Electrical Modes
ezAFM+ is our compact atomic force microscopy system. We offer two different scan head options which are 40x40x4 µm or 120x120x40 µm.
This compact atomic force microscope can be integrated with inverted light microscopes or can be used in gloveboxes. The footprint of the controller is only 15×15 cm.
Scanning modes
Contact Mode
Dynamic Mode (Tapping Mode)
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
f-d Spectroscopy
Piezo Response Force Microscopy
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
Conductive AFM Scanning
Spreading Resistance Microscopy
Lithography Liquid Modes

eZSTM - Compact Scanning Tunneling Micrscopy
Scanning Tunneling Microscope is a device to scan conductive sample surfaces at the atomic scale. Quantum tunneling leads the STM theory. Conductive tip reaches to the conductive sample surface with a bias Voltage, and electrons can be tunneled between the sample and tip. As a result of this, tunnel current is occurred.
Current Range
1 pA-10 nA or 100 pA-100 nA
Current Step
Size 0.1 pA 0.1 Pa
Scan Range
0.5×0.5×0.2 µm 1x1x0.5 µm
XY Resolution
1 pm 1 pm
Z Resolution
0.5 pm 0.5 pm
Imaging Modes
Constant current, constant height Constant current, constant height
Current-Voltage Current-Distance
Tip Voltage
±15V in 300 µV steps ±15V in 300 µV steps
Ultrasonic motors Ultrasonic motors
XY coarse sample positioning
Up to 5 mm Up to 5 mm
Sample Thickness
Up to 15 mm Up to 15 mm
Side View Video Camera
2 MP CMOS, LED iluminated 2 MP CMOS, LED iluminated
Focus and Zoom Manual Focus and 5X Digital Zooming Manual Focus and 5X Digital Zooming
24 Bit ADCs/DACs 24 Bit ADCs/DACs
Digital Feedback
Imaging Processing
Simultaneous scan of 6 channels @ 4096×4096 pixels Simultaneous scan of 6 channels @ 4096×4096 pixels
USB interface
Power Requirements
100-240, 50/60 Hz, 50 W 100-240, 50/60 Hz, 50 W
User License

hpAFM - High Perfomance Atomic Force Microscopy
hpAFM is an advanced atomic force microscope that brings a new level of performance, functionality, design and capability. It’s designed to minimize the time to get best results. Whether you can work in liquid or in air conditions, it is for everyone from material science to life science. hpAFM offers excellent features such as alignment-free design, closed loop flexure scanner, decoupled z scanner, 10 MP video microscope and flexible operating modes.
Operating Modes
The microscope can be operated in the following modes:
Contact Mode AFM
Lateral Force Microscope (LFM)
Dynamic Mode AFM & Phase Imaging
Non-contact Mode AFM with digital PLL
Liquid AFM
Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM)
Electrostatic Force Microscope (EFM)
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM)
Piezo Response Force Microscopy (PRFM)
Conductive AFM (CAFM) / Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM)
AFM Lithography (Scratching)
Force Modulation Mode
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)
Nano Mechanical Imaging (NMI)
Electro Chemical AFM (EC-AFM)
Advanced PFM
Low Temperature Microscopy
The LT-AFM/MFM is an alignment-free Atomic Force Microscopy system equipped with a Fibre Interferometer operating at 1310 nm, 15 fm/√Hz noise level with an operation range of 20mK-300K, and up to 16T magnetic field.
With the help of a micron-sized semiconductor Hall sensor probe, our LT-SHPM enables user to map the surface Hall voltage V H as a function of position, which directly gives the spatial distribution of the local magnetic induction.
The LT-STM operates down to 10 mK and provides an atomic resolution. We can adapt the LT-STM system to your available cryostat system and customize it’s design due to your requirements.
LT-SNOM has the capability of near-field imaging and spectroscopy together with other AFM modes such as contact, dynamic, MFM, cAFM. A sample is illuminated optically by introducing a laser beam through specially designed optical fiber.
LT-SCM works by passing a laser beam through a light source aperture which is focused by an objective lens into a small area on the surface of the sample and an image is built up pixel-by-pixel by collecting the emitted photons from sample surface.
Low Temperature Microscopy
Ultra Low Vibration Cryogen Free Cryostat - The integrated variable temperature insert controls sample temperature from 1.3K to 300K. Simultaneous control of applied magnetic field up to 14 Tesla - all without the need for any liquid cryogens and using a single cryocooler.
Low Temperature APO Objectives (IR-NIR-VIS)
·Numerical Aperture (NA) – 0.82
·Working Distance (WD) – 0.95mm (1.45mm)
mK-Confocal/Raman Microscope (mK-CFM/Raman)
•0.82 NA / 0.95mm WD Low Temperature Compatible Objective
• 10mK-300K • Up to 20 Tesla
Dimensions: 24x24x9.2mm
Weight: 16 gram
Scan range: 50x50x24µm @ 300K and 30x30x15µm @ < 4K
Materials: Titanium, Piezoelectric & alumina ceramics, stainless steel screws, copper wires & FR4
Temperature: 10mK-300K
Magnetic Field: up to 40 Tesla
Operation: Open Loop
Closed Loop: Optional on any axis with ultra-low power heterodyne fiber interferometers, 1-
Controller and Standalone Electronics
Controller and Standalone Electronics
hpSPM Controller
State of the art FPGA based controller for Scanning Probe Microscopes.
The control electronics can operate a scanning probe microscope in STM and AFM modes. The electronics unit is housed in a 3U high case frame and can accommodate 13 off 220x100mm size 30mm wide Eurocard modules. The modules are connected to each other via a low-noise bus at the backplane. The electronics is based on State of the Art FPGA based DSP Technology and connected to the PC with fast 480Mbps USB2.0 interface. composed of power supply, Digital Feedback controller, 24 Bit scan DACs, 24Bit A/D card , 8-channel 24 Bit DAC, 3-Channel HV amps, Motorised stage drivers, and 8 Channel 24 Bit Spare AD cards. The user can access to all signals to and from SPM controller. Electronics unit includes all the necessary cables. A unique and flexible software written in C# running under 64bit Windows 10 with SPM Control Electronics that provides various scientific solutions for all kinds of SPM users. (more info)
USB Fibre Interferometer
Complete Fibre Interometer System for Atomic Force Microscopes